I adopt a holistic approach with the key aim of supporting you to achieve your full potential.


My aim is to support you in achieving your full potential by successfully navigating your career and vocational well-being. I will support and guide you to develop your own unique pathway. I will do this by facilitating a deeper awareness and understanding of who you are as a person, your core values, your desires, the challenges you face and the path you choose to lead.

I adopt a holistic approach to coaching and mentoring, thereby creating a strong synergy between life and work. I will use a range of coaching methodologies, tools and techniques that work for you.
Our work will start with a ‘right fit’ session where we will both establish whether or not our chemistry, and my skill set, meet your needs.
Coaching can happen via zoom/skype, phone or face to face. Locations of face-to-face meetings will be agreed between myself and the client. Walking sessions are also an option.
All conversations are confidential, and I will at all times follow the ICF Code of Ethics.

Marion Walker Executive Coach & Consultancy

"Marion has been, and continues to be, a brilliant coach and mentor. She combines perceptive questioning and insights with unwavering support and openness and has a masterful knack of simultaneously being a cheerleader, confidante and a critical friend. Speaking to Marion always provides clarity, provokes me to think differently and has helped me order nebulous thoughts and ideas into meaningful and realistic concepts and directions. She has helped me tackle both new and old challenges and to identify what really matters – I cannot recommend her enough!"

UKRI Future Leader Fellow