I can give you a safe space, time and support to chart your own unique pathway to success. 


Do you crave time and space to think about the career you want to lead? Day-to-day life can feel challenging for even the most successful of people; with multiple strands making significant demands of our time and emotional well-being. It is not unusual to feel that our work life balance has spiralled out of control, leaving us less time for the things that are most important to us. Paradoxically we often don’t invest the time required to address this essential equilibrium or indeed know how to forge a pathway to a more rewarding and successful career.
It may be that you are at an important juncture in your working life and not sure of the direction to take, or what choices to make from the many options available to you. You may be starting a new role; embarking on an exciting venture; creating a new team of work colleagues or simply wanting to bring your best self to your current role.
I can help you to have a greater understanding of who you are, what your values are, what drives your vocational happiness and sense of fulfilment and chart your own unique pathway to success. 

Marion Walker Executive Coach & Consultancy

"Marion is a fantastic coach. She has been coaching me through a challenging period in my professional life and her expertise and experience combined with her empathetic person-centred approach has been incredibly important to me. With her guidance and supportive challenge, I have been able to reflect on my own experiences and now feel able to be more confident about the decisions I make in my working life. This has led to me being in a much more positive place in my career. And this obviously has an impact on my life outside of work too.  I feel very fortunate to be involved in this coaching relationship which continues to evolve as Marion adapts her coaching approach to best support me. I am confident that I would not be embarking on an exciting new venture had I not been coached by Marion."

Professor of Education